easi-reportThe European Commission has published its sixth monitoring report in which it reviews 18 projects in the fields of social protection and inclusion, employment, working conditions and European job mobility. The projects included were funded under the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) and its predecessor programmes PROGRESS and EURES.

The aims of the projects varied from building partnerships between employment services, over promoting transnational cooperation on posting of workers to placing young people in quality jobs. Analysing project results is part of the EaSI performance monitoring.

This report will serve as guidance for

  • public authorities of EU Member States,
  • civil society organisations
  • private actors

wishing to apply for EU funding and it will provide policy-makers with innovative ideas for social policy interventions.

The report celebrates successful and inspiring projects, such as a project in the Rhône-Alpes region working with seniors and workers with disabilities, and VALORG, a project implemented across Europe focusing on the recovery of organic waste.

To learn more about the projects and organisations whose work is presented, you can find the full report through visiting the European Commission website or by reading the full report.