Erasmus+ 2016 Call for Proposals published
The European Commission has published the 2016 Call for Proposals of the Erasmus+ funding programme. Erasmus+ brings together seven existing…
Eurodiaconia is active in multiple policy areas related to the fight against poverty and social exclusion in Europe and to the promotion of social and health care services to foster social cohesion. In this section, you will find our main news.
We also collect the news of our members that are relevant to be shared at a European level.
Furthermore, you will find key information related to EU social policy developments broadcast by our partners and European media.
The European Commission has published the 2016 Call for Proposals of the Erasmus+ funding programme. Erasmus+ brings together seven existing…
Our member the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organisation from Novi Sad, Serbia, is implementing a project, with the financial support of the…
Following Friday’s brutal terror attacks in Paris, our French member the Fédération de l’Entraide Protestante (FEP) stands in solidarity with the innocent…
Earlier this year, the European Commission released its 2015 Communication on the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies across Europe…
This year Finns donated Yhteisvastuukeräykselle (Common Responsibility Campaign) a total amount of € 3 604 838.87. That’s a big success for…
This week in Dusseldorf, Germany, we organised in partnership with our member Diakonie Duesseldorf a meeting for members on diaconia…
ROMACT is a joint Programme of the European Commission and the Council of Europe aimed at improving the responsiveness and…
The German Red Cross, the Central Welfare Office of Jews in Germany, the Workers’ Welfare Association, the German Joint Welfare…
In its Diaconia and Development Conference held on 14-15 October 2015, our member Diaconia Germany with its partners made a…
On 5 November, our member Armenia Round Table Foundation (ART) organised the graduation ceremony for 50 Syrians in Armenia learning crafts…
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