Recently, the European Commission has released a report on the implementation of the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI), between 2014 and 2017.
The main part of this document presents EaSI-supported activities implemented in 2016 by 10 major EU-level NGOs like Eurodiaconia active in the promotion of social inclusion, poverty reduction and access to finance, as a way to support the Commission’s social investment approach and the implementation of the Social Investment Package.
Eurodiaconia is positively highlighted for its important role played in the discussion about the European Pillar of Social Rights: “The organisation wanted to ensure that the European Pillar of Social Rights delivers on its commitment to upward social convergence and focused on the need for the Pillar to clarify the relationship between the adequacy and sustainability of social protection”.
Eurodiaconia is further highlighted for its work in terms of policy papers, guidelines and publications, training seminars and working group meetings, implementation of social policies, networking with members, partner NGOs and the European Institutions, implementation of the funding toolkit and improvement of communication channels.
The report describes Eurodiaconia as “a trusted and valued partner of the European institutions and other NGO’s and organisations” for bringing “a strong evidence-based contribution to policy development and implementation”.
The EaSI programme is a financing instrument at EU level, managed directly by the European Commission, to promote a high level of quality and sustainable employment, guaranteeing adequate and decent social protection, combating social exclusion and poverty and improving working conditions.
To learn more about the European Commission multiannual report, please read the complete publication.
To know more about the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation, visit EaSI website.