Today, Eurodiaconia published its new report titled “Eurodiaconia’s assessment of EU Roma Strategic Framework for Equality, Inclusion and Participation“.
We have been actively involved in the promotion of Roma inclusion across Europe for over 10 years. Our members provide social and healthcare assistance to Roma communities through services and programs ranging from housing support, empowerment activities, afterschool educational programmes to vocational training and community-building activities. Despite living in Europe for hundreds of years, Roma communities disproportionately experience high levels of discrimination, social exclusion and poverty across the continent.
The new EU Roma Strategic Framework, discussed in the current publication, proposes a number of changes intended to encourage national governments to promote the inclusion, participation and equality of Roma and to put in place specific targets and indicators for tracking progress. In this report we examine the horizontal objectives and sectorial priorities outlined in the new framework and what can be done at national and pan-European levels to further them. Special attention is paid to the needs of EU mobile Roma who face particular challenges. The last section looks into the potential synergies with relevant EU policies and initiatives that could benefit the inclusion of Romani people in European societies.
For more information, please read the full text of the report.
To learn more about our advocacy work in the area of Roma inclusion, please visit out thematic page.