The Filantropia Federation is a non-governmental organization, which operates with the blessing of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church. As a federation, it has 25 associations and foundations members from the social-philanthropic field. The member organizations of Filantropia Federation cover all eight regions of Romania. They provide assistance to various categories of beneficiaries: abandoned children, homeless people, single-parent families or poor families, people living with various types of chronic illnesses, victims of domestic violence or human trafficking, the elderly, people with special needs and people with substance use disorder. They also organize training programmes for social and educational professionals.
Filantropia Federation aims to increase the impact and effectiveness of the social actions of its member and partner organisations. In the last five years, the Filantropia Federation has increased its social-philanthropic actions and has strengthened key partnerships with other organizations and institutions such as city governments and country councils, schools and educational institutions, churches, hospitals, residential care homes for the children and elderly, and nights shelters.
Filantropia Federation recently hosted Eurodiaconia’s 2024 Annual General Meeting in Bucharest on 14-17 May 2024.
You can visit their website here.