logo-euparlOn Thursday 16th January the European Parliament held a debate on a European Parliament homelessness strategy. More than 20 MEPs took the floor, in majority to support the call for a European Strategy on homelessness. For instance, Regina Bastos MEP said that an EU strategy for homelessness will need to reach “all of those who need support”, and  deal with areas such as employment and social security. Sylvie Goulard MEP reminded that subsidiarity shouldn’t be an excuse for inaction on homelessness at EU level.

During its opening speech, Commissioner Andor stated that dealing with homelessness is “primarily a national competence”, but insisted that the Commission will support member states. However, the closing speech by Commissioner Andor failed to develop how the European Commission will respond to the call for a European Strategy on homelessness and how the European Commission will actively address the increasing rates of homelessness in the EU.

Following on the debate, the European Parliament adopted the motion for resolution on homelessness “urging the Commission to develop an EU homelessness strategy without any further delay” and inviting the Commission to “focus on the following priority themes for an EU homelessness strategy”:

  • housing-led / Housing First approaches to homelessness;
  • cross-border homelessness;
  • quality of homelessness services;
  • prevention of homelessness;
  • youth homelessness.


For more information:

Joint resolution on an EU homelessness strategy (2013/2994(RSP))