Roma Inclusion Network Meeting
November 7 - November 8
We are pleased to invite you to our 2024 Roma Inclusion Network Meeting organised in cooperation with our member the Reformed Church in Hungary (RCH) in Budapest.
The meeting will delve into the opportunities of Roma to access inclusive education. Access to quality education is crucial for combating poverty and promoting social development. However, fewer than half of Roma children participate in early education, and only a quarter complete upper secondary education, resulting in a significant educational gap. Structural anti-gypsyism and segregation further exacerbate this issue, leading to inequality, exclusion, and a lack of trust in educational institutions among Roma families. These barriers hinder future civic engagement and societal participation, highlighting the ongoing struggle for inclusive educational systems in Europe. In addition, we will discuss about the role of non-profit social service providers on tackling anti-gypsyism and building trust within communities through inclusive educational environments.
The meeting is open to anyone working in Diaconia who is part of a network or organization that is a member of Eurodiaconia. The Secretariat will select and confirm participants on a rolling basis.
Where: Budapest, Hungary
When: 7th-8th November, 2024
You can access the invitation and read the full agenda here.