Recently, the European Commission published the catalogue that showcases various examples of how the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) is implemented across Europe.

Covering basic needs is essential to ensure human dignity in an inclusive and caring society. The fund is used to alleviate the worst forms of poverty in the EU and to promote social inclusion for those at the margins of the society.

Featured in the catalogue are 28 case studies, each providing an insight into the work carried out by colleagues and volunteers from up to 19 EU countries.

FEAD supports two types of actions: The first consists of food and/or basic material assistance programmes, such as the distribution of food, clothes. The second finances supporting activities outside active labour market measures, such as non-financial and non-material assistance.

The catalogue is meant to be accessible for everyone to gain inspiration in their work by knowing more about the important FEAD projects carried out in Europe to bring relief and new hope to the most deprived.

At Eurodiaconia we support the work of our members who are implementing FEAD projects in their national context. We carry out research in the social areas most prioritised by our members, organise funding trainings, and bring together different organisations of our membership to share knowledge and best practice during our thematic network meetings.




If you would like to consult the FEAD catalogue, please follow the European Commission’s website.

If you would like to know more about our work and our membership, please browse through our website.