Senior woman with her caregiver at home

On the occasion of the French action day raising awareness for nursing homes, our member La Fédération de l’Entraide Protestante-FEP (Federation of Protestant Mutual Aid) called on the whole society and public institutions to stop long term care deteriorating.

In 2015, more than 700,000 people in France lived in nursing homes. More than one-third – consisted of people who were 90 years or older. Over the last 30 years, the users’ profile has changed dramatically. Most of the people hosted in nursing homes in France are today 85 years or older, often affected by terminal pathologies.

FEP urged the public institutions and the society to implement and launch a national plan to stop long term care deteriorating, and to ensure decent living conditions for elderly people.


To know more about long term care in France, visit FEP website.