EHOlogoFor many people forced from their homes, a voluntary return home in safety and dignity marks the successful end to the trauma.

On Thursday the 28th of January, our Serbian member Ekumenska Humanitarna Organizacija along with Red Cross Serbia, the Subotici City Council and other stakeholders held a meeting to discuss the current identification and readmission process of returnees in Subotici.

It is extremely important for Serbia to resolve the problems related to the access to personal documents and the registration of returnees in order to support them and their integration.

The debate in Subotica was the second of a series of debates part of the project ‘’Perspektive jednakih mogućnosti za povratnike po osnovu sporazuma o readmisiji“(Equal Opportunity prospects for returnees based on readmission agreements). The project is funded by the European Union within the program “Support to Civil Society 2013’’.

Find out more here. (SRB)