Last week, 15 representatives from Eurodiaconia members gathered in Paris for the annual meeting of the Social and Health Care Network to discuss the provision of long-term care services. The meeting was hosted by our member Fédération de l’Entraide Protestante.
The morning of the first day was dedicated to an overview of the French context and of the situation of long-term care with a focus on residential care for older people. The participants had the opportunity to share the situation in their own countries and to exchange on the similarities and differences among them. During the afternoon, the participants visited the Diaconesses de Reuilly Care Home in Paris and had the opportunity to learn more about the organization of the nursing home and the vision behind it.
The second day of the network meeting was rich in reflections and exchanges. In the first session, participants discovered the ProACT pilot project for integrated care in Belgium. This project aims at providing a digital support in self-management of people with multiple-chronical diseases. In the second session, dedicated to members’ project presentations, the participants had the opportunity to learn more about long-term care projects run by Eurodiaconia members in Finland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Serbia, related to working areas such as home care and home services for older people, support services for informal carers and long-term care for persons with disabilities.
The meeting was concluded by a policy workshop on the long-term care principle in the European Pillar of Social Rights during which the participants provided interesting inputs for Eurodiaconia work.
If you are interested in knowing more about the meeting, a full meeting report will be published on our website in the coming weeks.
If you want to know more about the facilities and projects presented during the meeting, please visit the Diaconesses de Reuilly Care Home and the ProACT pilot websites.