20120707_FND000_1Labour mobility: Opportunities and risks.

Which role for trade unions and NGOs?

In its report Severe labour exploitation: workers moving within or into the EU from June 2015, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights confirmed the impression of trade unions that there is still ‘scant evidence’ of severe labour exploitation of people who move to work to another EU Member State. At the same time, local and national NGOs report that more and more EU mobile citizens are facing growing barriers to access social and public services in some EU Member States, putting them at risk of destitution.

Against this background, the European Commission is working on a package of legislative measures to address labour mobility that is fair and without discrimination – the Labour mobility package.


In the context of the forthcoming Labour mobility package, this parliamentary breakfast meeting is to discuss:

  • What are the challenges for trade unions and social NGOs to take on a more active role in informing and assisting people who move to work to another EU Member State?
  • What can the EU do to further facilitate the engagement by trade unions and NGOs?
  • How can the Labour mobility package and trade union/NGO engagement with mobile workers be squared with each other?


With the participation of:

MEP Jean Lambert (Greens/EFA)

MEP Verónica Lope Fontagné (EPP) – Tbc

MEP Agnes Jongerius (S&D)

MEP Ulla Tornaes (ALDE) – Tbc

MEP Dennis de Jong (GUE/NGL) – Tbc

MEP Laura Agea (EFDD)

Jordi Curell-Gotor, Director of Labour Mobility, DG EMPL

Alice Hamilton, Freedoms and Justice Department, EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA)


For more info please email Hendrik Meerkamp (CESI) or Alexander Elu (Eurodiaconia).

Register by 10th of February here.