Under the Justice Programme the European Commission recently published a call for proposals on Drug Policy Initiatives. Project applications submitted must address at least one of the following priorities:
- To support activities in the area of identification and epidemiology of use of new psychoactive substances;
- To support activities aimed at the effective response to the challenges posed by the online trade of drugs;
- To support the civil society organisations by reinforcing their (i) advocacy function, (ii) capacity to make a difference at the local level, (iii) best practice sharing methods 3 and (iv) knowledge and skills on evidence-based interventions and minimum quality standards in the field of drug demand reduction
- To support key stakeholders in the field of prevention by expanding their knowledge and skills, in particular in the context of minimum quality standards.
Eligible activities are:
- a) data collection, surveys and research activities; b) training activities; c) mutual learning, network development, identification and exchange of good practices, cooperation; d) events, conferences, expert meetings; e) dissemination and awareness-raising activities.
The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is at EUR 2.632.000
The application deadline is 25 October 2017 (17:00 Brussels time).
For further information please read the call for proposals document.