Our partner SoCareNet Europe (the Network of Social Care Organisations in Europe) is organizing a three-day event on “Diversity and social inclusion in Europe – Demands on politics, civil society and social enterprises”. The conference will take place from 25th to 27th September 2018 in Budapest, Hungary.
The conference, organized in cooperation with Diakonie Neuendettelsau, will be focused on diversity and integration. Several keynote speakers will analyze diversity in today’s Europe by considering a large number of other socialization-related and cultural differences, all of them demanding attention and social recognition. The main focus will be on social inclusion, a concept in which the diversity and heterogeneity of society are considered to be fundamental and self-evident, and that requires social framework conditions to be flexible in order to enable individual participation.
Our Secretary General was asked to join as a panelist on the opening day of the conference and will give a keynote speech on the European perspective of diversity and social inclusion.
Last month, Eurodiaconia organised an Urban Partnership Seminar on Urban Areas in Düsseldorf (Germany), representing the last step in its work on urban areas, young people and radicalisation prevention. After two recent events on youth unemployment and non-formal education & social entrepreneurship, a Eurodiaconia mapping on its members’ work in urban areas and an event on radicalisation prevention in the European Parliament, this seminar gathered several Eurodiaconia members to exchange good practices, get insights from European experts and join a study visit to successful projects by Diakonie Düsseldorf.
To know more about the conference, please visit SoCareNet Europe website.