Eurodiaconia Newsletter
The Eurodiaconia newsletter gives a regular update on major news and events from our organisation, as well as from our members, partners and the EU institutions. It includes an editorial by our Secretary General Heather Roy.
Roma Newsletter
The Roma newsletter gives a monthly update on relevant European Commission initiatives, funding opportunities, member activities and projects from partner organisations in the field of Roma inclusion.
Social and Health Care Services Newsletter
The Social and Health Care Services newsletter is a monthly channel of communications for Eurodiaconia’s network of competence on social services, in particular those aimed to older persons. The newsletter gives regular updates of Eurodiaconia’s work and shares news from its member organisations, partners and EU institutions.
Funding Newsletter
The Funding newsletter gives a monthly update on the most relevant developments as regards EU funding possibilities, it showcases projects by our members who successfully used EU funding, and it informs about current and upcoming calls for project proposals (incl. an alert that will be sent out as soon as a call is published).
M&E Newsletter
The Marginalisation and Exclusion newsletter provides a platform of information for Eurodiaconia members on news and projects relating to extreme poverty and destitution. The newsletter particularly focuses on EU news and members’ work, presenting opportunities for action as well as good practices of pathways towards social inclusion. Its aim is to inform members about EU policies developments and facilitate exchanges and partnership building.