welcomeEarly this month the Eurodiaconia Supervisory Board has approved the applications for membership of Haraldsplass Diakonale Stiftelse (Norway) and Diaconal Centre of Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia.

Haraldsplass Deaconess Foundation Group is an independent non-profit group based in Bergen, Norway. Their mission is to promote Christian values by providing social care services for people in need.

HDS activities include two hospitals, a specialised University, a youth care welfare centre, a student house, and a centre for counselling. About 1200 employees and 120 volunteers are currently working for the organisation.

The Diaconal Centre of Reformed Christian Church is a non-profit organisation operating in Slovakia. Their mission is to support and coordinate the voluntary services of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia according to the call of Jesus Christ.

The Diaconal Centre activities include assistance for people with disabilities and support for persons facing extreme poverty and social exclusion. Last year, about 279 volunteers worked for the organisation in more then 55 congregations across the country.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to the two new members of the Eurodiaconia family, and we very much look forward to cooperate with them. Each new member brings the promise of furthering our activity to extend goodwill around Europe with harmony and understanding.

Thank you for your trust as we work all together to put diaconal values in motion.


Visit Haraldsplass Diakonale Stiftelse here (NO)

Visit Diaconal Centre of Reformed Christian Church here (SK – HU)