Earlier this month, together with our members Diaconia Valdese (Italy) and Fédération Entraide Protestante (France), Eurodiaconia is implementing a project providing humanitarian corridors for refugees coming from war-torn Syria. The project aims to provide safe pathways for asylum seekers from crises regions to Italy and France.
Supported by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) the project “Private Sponsorship for Integration: Building a European Model” aims to accompany particularly vulnerable migrants from Syria via safe and legal pathways towards full and effective social, cultural and economic integration in EU societies through the implementation of a wide range of pre-departure and post-arrival activities.
For many years, a growing number of asylum seekers from Syria attempted to reach the EU by embarking in dangerous journeys to cross the Mediterranean Sea. The AMIF project “Private Sponsorship for Integration: Building a European Model” providing
HC is aimed at accompanying particularly vulnerable migrants from Syria via safe and legal pathways towards full and effective social, cultural and economic integration in EU societies through the implementation of a wide range of predeparture and post-arrival activities.
This sets the stage for durable integration practices in private sponsorship and resettlement schemes. Humanitarian Corridors have already been implemented prior to 2019, but the European Union acknowledged this innovative approach of civil society organisations and supported it with a grant for 2 years to support 450 migrants and to share good practices with partners across Europe.
To find our more about the project, please visit the recently launched project website, or you can read the first newsletter about the project.
For further information, please get in touch with our Senior Policy, Projects and Research Officer Florian at florian.tuder@eurodiaconia.org.