As the European Commission is preparing to publish its European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) Action Plan at the beginning of 2021, Social Platform has published its views on the subject. The document, titled “Building a Social Europe for All with All“, includes legislative and policy recommendations needed for the achievement of each of the 20 principles of the EPSR.
The key needs for the successful implementation of the Pillar, outlined in the document, are as follows:
1. A comprehensive and ambitious implementation of the Social Pillar with concrete targets and timelines.
2. Mainstreaming key aspects of each initiative across policy areas.
3. Consideration of the impact of each initiative on different groups of people, with a specific focus on groups in vulnerable situations.
4. Establishing minimum social standards across the EU.
5. Rebalancing social and economic policies in EU socio-economic governance.
6. Establishing an Economic Governance Framework that enables social investment to be able to finance the measures needed to fully implement the Social Pillar.
7. Investing in people, both at EU and national level to foster social fairness, resilience and a more inclusive Union.
8. Close monitoring of the national implementation.
9. Working together with civil society.
10. A post-2020 Strategy integrating the SDGs and the European Green Deal.
For more information, please read the full document on Social Platform’s website.
For more information on our advocacy work on the EPSR, please visit our thematic page.