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Expert round table on the measurement of social impact

In recent years there has been an increased interest for greater accountability for money intended to be used for social purposes – not only on the side of private donors and investors, but also of public funding institutions. They want more clarity on the objectives, the paths to success and measures of success.

At the EU level, the High Level Expert Group on Social Enterprise (GECES) established by the European Commission has produced a report on approaches to social impact measurement and is still discussing the subject. In Germany the voluntary social welfare organisations have commissioned the Centre for Social Investment and Innovations (CSI) at the University of Heidelberg to research modalities for social impact measurement. This report “Possibilities to Measure Impact in Free Welfare Organisations” is now available.

Social Impact measurement is a key issue for diaconal organisations who provide social and health care services that are designed to improve the well being of individuals and communities. Being able to effectively measure the impact of our services and actions is necessary for both social and economic reasons. To enrich the German debate by including the European perspective and to bring in the perspective of not for profit social service providers at the EU level, Eurodiaconia and Diakonie Deutschland cordially invite you to an Expert round table on measurement of social impact.

Venue: EKD House, 166 Rue Joseph II, Brussels (BE)

Date:    13th of October 2016, 5pm

A presentation of Volker Then and Konstantin Kehl will be followed by best practice examples of other Eurodiaconia members, reactions from the EU perspective and a light dinner.

Katharina Wegner, Diakonie Deutschland

Heather Roy, Eurodiaconia