Our members are churches, non-statutory welfare organisations and NGOs in Europe rooted in the Christian faith within the Reformation, the Anglican and the Orthodox traditions.

On a daily basis, our members support people in poverty (homeless and unemployed people, asylum seekers and migrants, Roma people, etc.) and people with disabilities (dependent older people, people with physical or mental disability, etc.). They also advocate their fundamental rights at a European, national and local level.


If you are a Church providing diaconal activities or a Christian NGO working in Europe, and if you are interested in applying for membership, please have a look at our guide “Why become a member and how to do it” and fill in the Membership Application Form.

If you would like to know more or have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Glenis Balangue-Dalkiran




Member Organisation

Armenia Armenia Round Table
Austria Diakonie Österreich
Croatia Diakonia ECRH (Evangelical Church of the Republic of Croatia)
Czech Republic Diakonia CCE (Evangelical Church of Czech Brethen/ECCB)
  Slezska diakonie
Denmark Dansk Diakoniråd
  DanChurchSocial / Kirkens Korshær
Europe The Salvation Army Europe
Finland Kirkkopalvelut (Church Resource Agency)
  Kirkon Diakonia (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland)
  Oulu Diakonissalaitos (Oulu Deaconess Institute)
  Caritas Foundation (Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of Oulu)
  Lahti Diaconia Foundation
  (Helsinki) Deaconess Foundation (Diakonissalaitos)
France FEP (Fédération de l’Entraide Protestante)
Germany Diakonie Deutschland
  Diakonie Dusseldorf
  Diakonie München und Oberbayern – Innere Mission München e. V.
  Diakonie Michaelshoven
  Evangelische Heimstiftung
Germany/ Europe Kaiserswerther Verband
  Europäischer Verband Freikirchlicher Diakoniewerke
Greece Apostoli
  Evangelical Church (of Greece)
Hungary Magyarorszagi Reformatus Egyhaz (Diaconia of the Reformed Church in Hungary)
  Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA)
Iceland Den Evangeliska Lutherska  Kyrkan i Island (The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland)
Italy Diaconia Valdese
Kosovo Diakonie Kosova
Latvia Diakonizentrum der v.-Luth. Kirche Lettlands (Diaconia Center of Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia)
Lithuania Vsi Liuteronu diakonija (Lithuanian Lutheran Diaconia)
Netherlands Kerk in Actie
Norway Haraldsplass Diakonale Stiftelse
  Church City Mission Oslo
Poland Diakonia Kosciola Ewangelicko-Augsburgskiego w RP
Portugal Associação Baptista Shalom
Romania Filantropia Federation
  Transylvanian Reformed Church (Episcopal Reformata Din Ardeal)
Serbia Philanthropia
  Ecumenical Humanitarian Organisation
Slovakia Evanjelická diakonia ECAV na Slovensku
  Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia
Spain Spanish Evangelical Church/Iglesia Evangélica Española (IEE)
  Diaconia Madrid
  Diaconia Spain
  Asociación Nueva Vida
  Tharsis Betel
Sweden Svenska Kyrkan (Church of Sweden)
  ADIS (Association of Diaconal Institutions in Sweden)
  Swedish Association of City Missions (Sveriges Stadsmissioner)
  Hela Människan
Switzerland Stiftung Diakoniewerk Neumünster – Schweizerische Pflegerinnenschule
Ukraine Living hope – Odessa
United Kingdom Church of Scotland
  The Free Churches Group