Two of our partners have recently published toolkits to help NGOs making their voice heard in the framework of the European Semester and the Sustainable Development Goals, which both provide valuable opportunities to advocate for social issues at the European level. The toolkits provide among others detailed explanations on these policies, timelines for action, explanations on the most important documents and examples on how to concretely get engaged.

The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) is a European network of national, regional and local networks active in the fight against poverty and social exclusion, of which Eurodiaconia is a member. Every year EAPN publishes a toolkit on the European Semester to help its members getting engaged in the Semester cycle. It contains explanations on the different documents and steps of the cycle, updated useful links, contacts and tips for better engagement. Learn more about getting involved in the European Semester Cycle with the EAPN European Semester Toolkit.

The toolkit on the Sustainable Development Goals has been created by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and is mainly targeting NGOs working on the environment. However, the Sustainable Development Goals include also several goals on the fight against poverty and social exclusion, therefore this toolkit can also be very useful for Eurodiaconia members. Find out more on the Sustainable Development Goals with the EEB Toolkit.

Eurodiaconia has also developed a toolkit on the European Semester Cycle, which offers targeted support to Eurodiaconia members. Furthermore, the Secretariat publishes four times a year the European Semester Quarterly with analyses of recent documents related to the Semester, updates and tips and tricks on how to make your voice heard.

Check out the Eurodiaconia European Semester Toolkit and the last issue of the European Semester Quarterly.