The European Commission wishes to know citizens and stakeholders’ opinion on the activities carried out by the EU since 2014 in order to promote and improve the employment of young people. These activities were carried out through the Youth Employment Initiative and the European Social Fund.

The information collected will be used in assessing what has been achieved during the 2014-2018 period. It will also help the Commission to draw lessons on how to reinforce this support in the future, making it more effective and focused.

Why is this relevant for Eurodiaconia members?

Amongst other subjects, the evaluation will assess whether the youth in need of assistance were adequately reached (also geographically), the quality of job and training offers, as well as which type of support has been the most effective.

Eurodiaconia members who have benefitted from European Union funding, for instance through the ESF are invited to share their experience on how to improve the future framework. Eurodiaconia members who have not used EU funding but would like to do so in the future, are also concerned by this consultation as now is the opportunity to share their views on where the priorities for EU should be and how they can be designed to best deliver results on the ground.

If you intend to answer the questionnaire, please get in touch with our Policy and Membership Development Officer Stefan Kitzmann at We will be happy to send your feedback on your behalf.

If you wish to give your contribution, please fill in the online questionnaire (available in 23 languages) by the 16th of August.