Last week, the European Commission presented a package of key proposals to reform the Common European Asylum System, aiming to set up ”a fairer, more efficient and more sustainable system for allocating asylum applications” among Member States.
The basic principle of the Dublin system has remained intact: asylum seekers are still required to apply for asylum in the first country they enter (unless they have family elsewhere), which has put disproportionate amounts of pressure on the asylum system of southern member states such as Italy and Greece. However, the Commission has now introduced ‘a new fairness mechanism’ to alleviate the pressure and to enhance the transparency and effectiveness of the existing Dublin system.
Furthermore, a European Union Agency for Asylum will be created, and the EU’s fingerprinting database will be enhanced to help tackle irregular migration. The document package will constitute an important part of a ”medium term response to future migratory challenges”.
For more information, and to access the key documents, please click here.