Today, at an event hosted by Eurodiaconia and MEP Jutta Steinruck, the topic of social investment and its role within President Juncker’s new investment package was debated among key EU stakeholders, including representatives from Eurodiaconia members, Member States (representatives from Permanent Representations to the EU), the European Commission, the European Parliament, and civil society.

At the event, Eurodiaconia launched its report, “Social Investment in Europe: examples, policy analysis and recommendations”. The report, based on in-depth research among Eurodiaconia members, identifies some of the main successes and challenges that face the Social Investment Package (SIP) and its implementation at Member State level. Furthermore, the report discusses the relevance of social investment within newly established (or soon-to-be established) policies and funds, like the Juncker Investment plan.

The content of the debate this morning focused not only on Juncker’s investment plan but also on the importance of the 2013 Social Investment Package (SIP)[1] and the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP)[2]. These instruments are part of an overall framework to further push for investment within the social sector. From this meeting, Eurodiaconia hopes to continue to partner with European Commission officials, Members of the European Parliament, social partners and other key stakeholders in order to further emphasize the importance of social investment as an economic alternative to austerity measures and the need for it to be further incorporated into future policies.

To read the full Eurodiaconia report that was launched at today’s event, please click here.

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