Eurodiaconia is pleased to invite you to a workshop to define its Strategic Planning for the period 2018-2020. The workshop will take place from 12 pm on 18 October until 12pm on 19 October 2016 at Eurodiaconia’s offices in Brussels (Rue Joseph II 166, 1000 Brussels).
As Eurodiaconia is embarking on the development of its new strategy for the period 2018-2020, it is essential to ensure ample opportunity for members to contribute to the process. As part of this work, Eurodiaconia will be helped by an external strategy consultant, Thomas Lewinsky, who will facilitate the process as a neutral outsider, including organising different workshops to ensure we capture all essential perspectives.
Setting clear priorities for Eurodiaconia remains pivotal and should be based on a solid analysis of what goes on around us in a rapidly changing world as well as on how we see our roles to contribute to address social injustice within a faith-based European context. This is where Eurodiaconia needs its member organisations’ valuable input.
Eurodiaconia has, therefore, planned a strategy workshop in Brussels, on 18-19 October 2016, where we hope to benefit from your input and guidance on where Eurodiaconia should focus its attention in the coming years.
Who can take part?
Eurodiaconia would like you to appoint one person from your organisation for this important strategic event. Ideally, participants attending would have had some previous exposure to strategy processes and are able to keep “the big picture” in mind for Eurodiaconia, with a good mix of analysis and collective thinking and with some English proficiency to ensure full participation.
How to Register:
Please register on our online form here, by 23 September at the latest.
For further information on financial support and a draft agenda of the event, please click here. For any questions please contact at the Eurodiaconia secretariat