On the 27th of April, the European Parliament adopted in second reading the two programmes (the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme and the Justice Programme) which together constitute the 2021-2027 EU Justice, rights and values fund with €1.86 billion for promoting democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights in the EU.

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme

The Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme, whose total budget will raise to 1.55 billion for seven years, focuses on the support to civil society organisations at local, regional, national and transnational level, dedicated to the promotion and protection of the EU common values enshrined in Article 2 of the EU Treaty.

Justice Programme

The Justice Programme’s goal is to foster an EU area of justice based on rule of law, mutual recognition, trust and judicial cooperation. The €305 million budget for the seven-year period will support activities related to raising awareness, mutual learning, developing e-justice tools, helping civil society organisations and NGOs. In all its actions, the Programme also seeks to promote gender equality, the rights of the child, the protection of victims and the effective application of the principle of equal rights and non-discrimination in EU member state legal systems.


For more information, please visit the European Parliament’s website.


To learn more about current calls for proposals or Eurodiaconia’s funding events, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Policy, Projects & Research Officer Vera Nygard at vera.nygard@eurodiaconia.org and our Projects Assistant Giorgia Signoretto at giorgia.signoretto@eurodiaconia.org