“Not without my iPad! Participation for people with disabilities by promoting Tablet PCs ” is the project that received the Social Marie Audience Prize for social innovation.
Tablet computer technology can be used by all people but it requires great efforts in order for it to fulfil its potential. LifeTool has worked intensively on how tablet technology can be made accessible to people with disabilities, participating in research projects, developing apps and advising people. (More information on the project in German here)
The award ceremony will be on May 1, 2015 ORF Radio Cultural Centre in Vienna. LifeTool offers people with disabilities computerized tools that allow them access to communication and assistance when playing, learning and living daily life. Life Tool is a non-profit corporation in Linz and is owned by the Evangelical Diakoniewerk Gallneukirchen and AIT – the Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. More Info: www.lifetool.at
Social Marie is the oldest award for social innovation in Europe and has paid tribute to 15 outstanding projects in the field of social innovation annually since 2005. More info: http://sozialmarie.org