The Europe 2020 midterm review is taking place now. The European Commission has launched the process in March (European Commission Communication “Taking stock of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”) and is continuing with a public consultation on the Europe 2020 strategy. Eurodiaconia members can get involved to share their experience and understanding of the Europe 2020 strategy and its achievements so far, as well as to propose ideas for its future.

The Commission will draw on the contributions it receives during the public consultation when it presents proposals for the mid-term review of the Europe 2020 strategy early in 2015. This will be followed by a discussion at next year’s spring European Council.

How can you get involved?


Further information and links:

European Commission press release
Details of the consultation: Your Voice in Europe or Europe 2020 dedicated website (

March 2014 European Commission Communication “Taking stock of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

Eurodiaconia initial response to the March 2014 communication