Our partner the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) has recently released a report on long-term care challenges in Europe.
The report analyses the European common trend of an ageing population leading to an increasing demand in long-term care services. Due to this trend, the provision of affordable long-term care is expected to be an important policy topic in the upcoming years, both at national and European level. With the proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), the European Union acknowledges the need to provide affordable long-term care services of good quality for everyone (principle 18).
ESPN report also describes the main features of national long-term care systems and analyses the common challenges faced by European countries. Four main challenges are identified: accessibility and adequacy of long-term care provision, quality of provision and jobs, the employment situation of carers and the financial sustainability of long-term care. Lastly, the report identifies national reforms implemented to tackle these challenges and concludes with a number of recommendations at national and European level.
Over the last years, in line with its members’ work, Eurodiaconia has developed a strong focus on long-term care with specific emphasis on integrated and affordable long-term care, in line with its members’ work. Eurodiaconia Network of Social and Health Care Services aims to help our network members to engage in policy discussions related to healthy ageing and care for elderly people. Our upcoming HALTC Network Meeting, on the 10th and 11th of October in Paris, will also its participants with a forum to share experiences and good practice in integrated care for elderly people.
If you want to know more about ESPN report, please read the Thematic Report document and the specific Country Reports.