Recently the European Commission has released a publication about the use of EU-Funds for Social Inclusion, titled “Social Inclusion: Inspiring Trends in European Funded Projects”. The publication summarises the outcomes of a thematic cluster meeting held in Brussels on the 9th October 2017.

The meeting was the first event to present projects from across three different programmes managed by EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency): Erasmus+, Creative Europe and Europe for Citizens, and brought together over 130 social inclusion projects. The participants shared their knowledge and experience in education, culture, arts and sport, all crucial to foster social inclusion and to facilitate intercultural dialogue. In addition, they had the opportunity to network throughout the day and establish new working relationships.

During the thematic workshop, Eurodiaconia had the opportunity to present its Erasmus+ project: “EMPOWER YOU(TH): Training of innovative models and methods in youth work”, implemented with six member organisations. The project is aimed at analysing existing challenges and approaches to youth work and provide youth workers with skills and knowledge to tackle new social challenges more efficiently. After a training event in Brussels and two regional workshops in Italy and Sweden and the development of an Online Toolkit, its last step will be the Final Project Meeting in the end of April in Brussels.

To know more about EU-Funds for Social Inclusion, read the European Commission publication. For any questions regarding the project “Empower You(th)” please get in touch with our Policy, Projects & Research Officer Florian at