Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, our member the Hungarian Reformed Church has been at the forefront of helping people in need cope with the pandemic crisis in Hungary.
Over the last four weeks, our member collected and distributed food and hygiene packages for deprived families and elderly people in the Carpathian Basin worth more than 20,000 EUR. This special distribution has been developed within the framework of the “Solidarity for a new start” fundraising initiative that has now also joined the emergency response of the Hungarian National Charity Council.
On April 10th, the Association of Reformed Diaconal Institutions (REDIE) announced that thanks to its members’ donations it was able to purchase medical masks, rubber gloves and disinfectants worth about 8,000 EUR to actively support nursing homes and other diaconal institutions in the Transtibiscan Reformed Church District. REDIE’s medical aid packages will also be distributed by our member the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid. The packages will be delivered to 32 municipalities and will include more than 30,000 masks, nearly 75,000 rubber gloves, 400 hand sanitizer and about 600 surface disinfectants.
In a recent press conference in Debrecen, Márton Juhász, Hungarian Reformed Church Aid CEO, announced that thanks to the funds received by the National Charity Council, the organisation will also be able to offer a new form of financial support for families in need worth about 10,000 EUR. In the frame of the “Cash Assistance Card” pilot program, 100 families will receive as many prepaid cards which will be topped up by our member every month for the next three months.
To know more about the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid’s initiatives, check our member’s website.
Photo © Hungarian Reformed Church Aid