Today, our Secretary General took part in the “Access and quality of public services: A debate on improving quality of life” organised by Eurofound and the European Economic and Social Committee, under the banner of the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU.
The meeting brought together representatives of the social partners, EU institutions and civil society to debate the key themes highlighted in Eurofound’s European Quality of Life Survey 2016 with a focus on access and quality of public services.
The report presents the findings for the EU Member States. It uses information from previous survey rounds, as well as other research, to look at trends in quality of life against a background of the changing social and economic profile of European societies. Ten years after the global economic crisis, it examines well-being and quality of life broadly, to include quality of society and public services. The findings indicate that differences between countries on many aspects are still prevalent – but with more nuanced narratives.
Coinciding with International Women’s Day, the event was also a timely occasion to highlight the differences that emerge in the findings between genders, as well as the growing challenges of reconciling work and private life.
To know more about the progress in the quality of public services across the EU, check the survey’s overview report.