logo-eucommThe European Commission published a summary report highlighting the main findings of the Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion on the assessment of the social inclusion objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy. This report is based on the Members of the EU Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion assessment of their countries’ 2013 National Reform Programs and how these ensured progress towards the achievement of the Europe 2020’s social inclusion objectives and target.

From this analysis the report identifies two main EU common challenges:

– more inclusive labour markets i.e. particluarly long term unemployment and “working poor”
– child poverty i.e. lack of adequate income support for families and children and early school leaving

The reports adds that overall the responses of the National reform Programs to homelessness were weak; and it underlines the limited synergy between the Europe 2020 social inclusion objectives and the other Europe 2020 targets, and that more attention had been given to social inclusion issues: “A balanced approach to the Europe 2020 agenda, whereby the poverty and social exclusion target and the objective of inclusive growth should achieve the same amount of attention as the other objectives of Europe 2020, has still to be achieved.” (page 11 synthesis report)

To conclude, the reports issues six recommendation to

• Operationalising the Social Investment Package
• Increase the use of Social Impact Assessments
• Increase the contribution of EU Structural Funds
• Strengthen the Social OMC and the NSRs/SSRs
• Increase stakeholder participation,
• Combat homelessness

Further information and links:

Synthesis report on the Assessment of progress towards the Europe 2020 social inclusion objectives

Network of independent experts on social inclusion