On the 7th of July 2021, the European Parliament gave its final green light to two funds for asylum and border policies. In particular, the European Parliament approved the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund with €9.88 billions to support asylum and migration policy, and the Integrated Border Management Fund with €6.24 billions for external border management that respects fundamental rights.


Background information

As part of the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the Commission adopted a proposal for a new  regulation establishing the Asylum and Migration Fund (AMF). The aim of the proposal was to contribute to the  efficient  management  of  migration  flows  in  the  European  Union. In May 2018, the Commission proposed a new and specific ‘Migration and border management’ heading in  the  post-2020  MFF.  The  new  Heading  4  in  the  2021-2027  MFF  will  be  organised  around  two  policy   clusters – ‘migration’ and ‘border management’ – focusing respectively on a comprehensive approach to  managing  migration  and  on  strengthening  the  (management  of)  external  borders.

What’s new?

  • The 2021-2027 Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund will strengthen the EU’s common asylum policy, develop legal migration in line with member states’ needs, support the integration of third-country nationals, and contribute to the fight against irregular migration. At Parliament’s request, the money should also serve to push member states to share the responsibility of hosting refugees and asylum-seekers more fairly across the EU.
  • The Integrated Border Management Fund is intended to help strengthen EU external border management while ensuring fundamental rights are respected. The fund will also contribute to a common, harmonised visa policy, and introduce protective measures for vulnerable people arriving in Europe, in particular unaccompanied children.

The regulation on the funds was published in the Official Journal on the 15th of July.

For more information about the European Parliament’s statement, please visit this website.

For more information about the regulation, please visit EUR-Lex’s website, in all the official languages of the EU.

To learn more about current calls for proposals or Eurodiaconia’s funding events, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Policy, Projects & Research Officer Vera Nygard at vera.nygard@eurodiaconia.org and our Projects Assistant Giorgia Signoretto at giorgia.signoretto@eurodiaconia.org.