logo_4Quality-CMJNThe website for the 4Quality! project has just been launched. 4Quality! is a European project seeking to contribute to the improvement of working conditions and of quality of personal care and household services. It was co-funded by the PROGRESS Programme and started in October 2014 for a duration of 18 months. Eurodiaconia is actively involved through Social Services Europe, one of the partners in the project.

Research will be carried out in 11 countries in the following sectors: children, older people, and household services. Research would examine working conditions, training, qualifications, quality of services and the impact of the crisis. Four regional meetings will discuss the research findings and potential learning of synergies between sectors. The project aims to promote stakeholder dialogue, good working conditions and quality services and will produce a comparative report of the situation in the 11 countries, political recommendations and a toolkit for practitioners.

The website can be consulted for more information: http://forquality.eu/