Thanks to the economic crisis and demographic change, Europe is facing massive pressure on social protection systems. In order to have sustainable and good quality social services, it is vital that there is sufficient investment. Social investment means investing in policies which are designed to strengthen people’s skills and capacities and support them to participate fully in employment and social life. Key policy areas include education, quality childcare, healthcare, training, job-search assistance and rehabilitation.

The Commission’s Social Investment Package (SIP) guides EU countries in using their social budgets more efficiently and effectively to ensure adequate and sustainable social protection; seeks to strengthen people’s current and future capacities, and improve their opportunities to participate in society and the labour market; focuses on integrated packages of benefits and services that help people throughout their lives and achieve lasting positive social outcomes; stresses prevention rather than cure, by reducing the need for benefits; and calls for investing in children and young people to increase their opportunities in life.

If you wish to know more about Eurodiaconia’s work on social investment, please contact our Head of Advocacy Anne-Sophie Wislocki at