Early this week, three new calls for project proposals under the Rights, Equalities and Citizenship Programme (REC) were opened for applications. The calls are focused on protecting the rights of the child and promoting EU citizenship and data protection.
The first call is aimed at financing capacity-building activities in the area of rights of the child and child-friendly justice. The call is focused on the following priorities:
- To systemise and further roll-out evidence-based supports to children involved in criminal, civil or administrative judicial proceedings;
- Capacity-building for judicial and other practitioners/professionals involved in systemising robust, multidisciplinary individual assessments.
The budget available for this call is EUR 4.000.000 and the deadline is set on 14th May 2019.
The second call for proposals (budget available EUR 1.500.000) is focused on improving the awareness on EU citizenship rights and the inclusion of mobile EU citizens and to support coordination among national authorities competent in electoral matters. The last call (restricted to national Data Protection Authorities) is aimed at reaching out to stakeholders on the new data protection legislation; the budget available is EUR 1.000.000. The deadline for both these calls is set on 11th April 2019.
The Rights, Equalities and Citizenship Programme is directly managed by the European Commission and aims to finance activities developed by NGOs, public authorities and universities in order to protect rights and promote non-discrimination.
To know more about all the 2019 calls for proposals published under the REC Programme, please visit the related page within the new European Commission Funding & Tender Opportunities portal.
To know more about the 2019 REC Annual Work Programme, please read the full document.
To learn more about any of the calls for proposals or Eurodiaconia’s Funding events, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Policy, Projects and Research Officer Florian Tuder at florian.tuder@eurodiaconia.org or our Projects Assistant Dario Pomodoro at dario.pomodoro@eurodiaconia.org. If you are interested in receiving more news about EU Funding, please also subscribe to our Funding Newsletter.