EuroHealthNet releases video on new-borns’ crucial first 1000 days
Earlier this month, our partner EuroHealthNet released a new video called “1,000 lifechanging days”, exploring the effects of social, emotional,…
DetailsNew editorial from our Secretary General: Commission President must now deliver on promises
This week saw the approval by the European Parliament of the President-Elect of the next European Commission – Ursula von…
DetailsSuccessful Event: Church of Scotland’s parish church shop raises thousands
Our member Church of Scotland’s Alyth Parish Church made an impressive £12,857 (about €14,000) over five and a half days…
DetailsNew Commission’s reports: Helping unemployed to find or to stay in work
Early this month, the European Commission published two new reports on long-term unemployment, one focusing on job crafting, and the…
DetailsEuropean Commission’s report on migrant integration out now
Earlier this week, the European Commission released a report titled “Sustainable Inclusion of Migrants into Society and Labour Market.” The…
DetailsOslo’s Diakonjhemmet Hospital opens its door to volunteers via an app
Our Norwegian member Diakonhjemmet has recently launched a volunteer program at the Diakonhjemmet Hospital in Oslo, where people can now…
DetailsWill Ms. von der Leyen be the President of the people of Europe?
This week the European Parliament approved the appointment of Ursula Von der Leyen as the next President of the European…