Multiannual Financial Framework: new Social Services Europe Position Paper
Our partner Social Services Europe, the largest European umbrella organisation representing non-profit social and health care providers including Eurodiaconia, has…
DetailsOur partner Social Services Europe, the largest European umbrella organisation representing non-profit social and health care providers including Eurodiaconia, has…
DetailsRecently, the Open Society Public Health Program published a new call for proposals for the Grant “Social Determinants of Roma…
DetailsRecently, the European Commission published a new call for proposals under the EaSI programme on “Activities in the field of…
DetailsRecently, the European Commission published a set of new calls for project proposals under “Rights, Equality & Citizenship” Programme (REC)…
DetailsThe DWI (Diakonie-Wissenschaftliches Institut) of the University of Heidelberg has recently published its yearbook with contributions by students, lecturers, alumni,…
DetailsEvery person has the right to live in dignity. For this reason, ensuring access to social protection for all people…
DetailsIn the last weeks our member from Iceland, Den Evangeliska Lutherska Kyrkan I Island, launched a new project on women…
DetailsEurodiaconia has launched a new update on the European Semester process. This year, the European Semester Compass will keep its…
DetailsThe International Society for the Research and Study of Diaconia and Christian Social Practice (ReDi) is organising its 7th bi-annual…
DetailsThe European Commission presented yesterday a proposal for a Council Recommendation on access to social protection for workers and the self-employed. In…
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